Mittwoch, 17. August 2011

Sauzipf Rocks 11

After 2 years of abstinence, the last Sauzipf Rocks was in 2009, this unique festival took place again in Austria/Carinthia/Döbriach near Millstätter See. For information about the bands which played there and some historical facts, visit the homepage and if you want to get some updates via mail order the newsletter! Everyone couldn't wait to get there! This year, there was a ticket limitation of 1500 2-day-tickets for the first time! The tickets were already sold out some weeks before the festival and a lot of people tried to get some tickets from others who weren't able to come, so the inquiry to take part was quite high! Even a contest was held in the last days before the festival to give away the last tickets to some people.

 On the second festival day on midday it started with the well known "Schweinsaugenweitspucken" contest, which can be translated as "Pig-Eye-Long-Spitting" and more people than ever participated in it. The winner spitted the pig eye over more than 11 metres and some people who hadn't poured enough alcohol down their throat swallowed the eyes to get a bottle of vodka as a present!
To have some more entertainment in the afternoon before the bands started their shows the local Highlander team Mc Stingler organized 3 competitions of the Highland Games which were, "Bierle zupfen", "Bam sagln" and "Maß heben", in english it's called "beer drinking", "wood sawing" and "stein lifting". The participants took part in it in teams of two. Some impressions below!
And for all of you who have the possibility to come and attend Sauzipf Rocks for one time you want to get there each single year of your life, cause you will hardly find a festival with such a extravagant character, non-mainstream music, musicians and people, like this one. And i really have to suggest you to drink there one or even more "Goaß" and also the bartenders are quite handsome there ;)
So I've shown you some pictures and gave you some information about this festival and now it's your choice to come there the next years, but I know you miss something deep inside your heart and it for sure is Sauzipf Rocks, and you will never ever get that hole filled until you've been there ;)
For more pictures check out the links below or the Sauzipf Rocks homepage:

Sauzipf Rocks Day 1
Sauzipf Rocks Day 2

Freitag, 12. August 2011


Last week photokina organized a contest via their facebook page and I was one of the lucky winners of a Scott Kelby Light It - Shoot It - Retouch It - Live workshop in Cologne!
After some hard hours of planning how to get from Klagenfurt to Cologne, which was finally by putting myself in train for half a day and making stops in Salzburg and Munich, I reached Cologne at midnight August 10th. As I had plenty of time during the night and anyway didn't know where to sleep till morning, I decided to take a nightwalk and make myself a bit familiar with this city! The beautiful picture below is where this long night took me, it was taken from the Hohenzollern bridge with view direction to Zoobridge.


After this nightwalk I've seen a youth hostel nearby on the map, went there and asked to get a roof over my head for some hours, cause it was quite fresh, though it was summer! 

On the way to the workshop next day I met some people who also didn't get the right way to the Photokina building, but finally we made it, and the day went pretty intresting, was by the way the first time for me to take part in such a seminar. Scott Kelby was quite a funny guy which really understood his work and how to deal with the audience! 

Was really woth it but maybe little bit to short. Train went back 03.20 a.m. in the morning and I arrived in Klagenfurt at 01.17 p.m.

If you want to take a look at the whole photo album from this trip, just click on the link below.

Donnerstag, 4. August 2011

The First Post

Some time ago I decided to make me also an blog here, but haven't really finished the design till now, but will do it by time so that it might look better than just this first impression.

Nevertheless I want to show you here the pictures I make, everything is also up on Flickr, so if you have an account there just check out and connect if you like.

I also share my Flickr Stream on my Facebook Page:
If you want to get some updates there from time to time Like my page there. Hope you enjoy it!

I also have 7 quite cool Geocoins travelling around the world, Just check them out in my Flickr PhotoStream and maybe once if you're lucky you see them in real world too ;)